Tuesday, October 18, 2005

beauty with brains ???

What can be more deadly than a beauty with brains..
A ravishing stunner with intellectual genius would make heads turn and would stir the hearts of her male admirers!!
But recently I found another trend..
Guys are falling more for the first aspect...i.e... Beauty...
This is not only limited to males...
Even females... Show this phenomenon...

People somehow or the other...Do not want to be challenged intellectually!
When people are challenged intellectually by a more intellectual person; its definitely not the best of feelings.. and an intention to wipe off such intellectually challenging relationships take root in heart!

So people settle down for a bright face than for a bright brain!!
Now should I use my grey cells.. or should I allow it to rust ..and start powdering my face!!??
Should I turn up to my beautician or to the nearest bookshop??
Dilemmas seem to rule my brain at this moment!
Oops why am I using my mind???


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The Ignoramus said...

so long as your intellectual merit doesn't get to your head, you would still be wanted.

prosaicblabber said...

I totally agree !!! Looks are the in thing right now... but do you realize that any relationship does'nt last on physical beauty! Prompts me to think the other way too... Beauty is not just your physical features, but its got a lot to do with the confidence and charm you possess. These definitely makes a difference...

A person is attracted to who you are and not what HE wants you to be !!!

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

ritely said..prosaicblabber...,

but the algorithm in human mind ..evaluates the physical beauty factor first .. even b4 it takes note of other qualitites!!

Naren Balaji said...

I do agree that most guys fall for a bright face than a bright mind.

But, I've seen a lot of people who enjoy being challenged intellectually, especially by the opposite sex.

But, yes, some people fear that a more inteliigent female will tend to dominate their life forever. May be that is the reason they prefer physical beauty to intellectual beauty.

Vinodh Nathan said...

i think its true.. but beauty has its place.. bauty or brains with ego is the disastrous combo.. not beauty n brain..

but too often. ppl with brain hv more ego.. and that may b the reason.. ppl like beauty than brain n ego!!

NaiKutti said...

beauty is something people evaluate so easily compared to brains and probbly thats why in this fast-paced world beauty gets the go-ahead first... but once the go-ahead is there how long will it last is the question to ponder over...

ada-paavi!!!! said...

beauty manages to make the first impession, that is wats visible on meeting the person for the first time, its easy to notice that a girl is good lookin at first meeing than notice the persons brains.
secondly in todays society how many ppl are actually intellectual, they r more bothered bout ASHs love life than more serious things, the media has successfully dumbed down society,so ppl dont look at the intellect,

Ram said...

Hey came across this, and just had a thought.

My take is that looks are important, as this is what makes people want to get to know the other person in the first place. This doesn't need to be just physical attribues, it could be a number of external characteristics.

But once you make the initial contact, its more about how interesting the person is and all that stuff that sustains or terminates a relationship.

Inner beauty is absolutely important, but very few people will get a chance to experience it, unless something exterior pulls them in... just my two cents!