Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Gone are the days when songs, storyline of a movie made headlines. These days its their

Double meaning, triple meaning dialogues that capture the Fame spot. Well, the fame spot doesn’t always spell success; more than often the movie gets badly hit due to the same ‘Fame’ Factor.

These days, almost every other movie that gets released has acquired this Fame. I thoroughly accept the fact that most of these movies contain explicit contents but there a quiet a few movies that abstain from presenting such candid exhibition of “Censorable Contents”. Here comes the credibility of Human mind! The X Ray’ish tendency of human mind easily understands the “explicit contents” but also goes out of way to skin the gibberish to ravel rather discover or at times invent “Contents worth Censorable”.

Moving away from movies, even the real life scenario throws many occasions wherein we end up deciphering meanings (intentions) from an otherwise simple unintentional statement. The outcome of this art of decryption of intention brings in trouble and tension.

Why is this evolution of pervert thought process happening?

Why is it we always tend to look in for “that Inner Meaning” however simple the explicit meaning might be?

If your answer delves around “gauging the other person diplomatically”; then why is it we are not diplomatic enough to streamline our thoughts. Diplomacy begins with oneself. One should try being honest to ones thoughts rather than letting it get conceived through misconceptions. Miscarriages in pregnancy and Misconceptions in Thoughts both are painful because both last in us for a long time before we realize it’s gone! We could at least try not to be pervert in thinking which would go long way in building and helping relationships last longer.

Wonder, what you people expected the blog to contain when you read the title “PERVERT THOUGHTS!”?? Some cranky, dappled, shady, mottled, piebald stuff?? OMG... I M BEING A PERVERT!!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Intentions take time turning into Initiatives

Why is it people fail to understand the motive of a small initiative. Be it the a small gesture of driving a social awareness campaign for Cancer or be it corporate gesture of Celebrating with your team or a more emotional gesture of telling your love that U do Love him/her!

Initiatives are often not accepted with an open mind. People are either too numb to realize the effort it takes for a person to take an initiative or they simply just don’t care!
Had it not been for newer initiatives’ (of course braving the hard slaps others give on it!) there wouldn’t have been any change in our lifestyle!

Looking at the big picture, the most successful people are those who have dared to make a change. The people for dare to believe and practice RULES and PROTOCOLS are for breaking and hence paving better ones. Be it the simple sun goes around the earth or earth goes round the sun fundae and the ruckus it created. It needs lots of courage to move away from the conventional thinking mode and voice a different tone altogether.

i wonder most of us .. even with the brightest of ideas within us, hesitate to take one brave move that could change the face of the earth.

It might mean taking a tight slap on face but would have a greater impact on the world than what fingers would make on the face!

Friday, March 10, 2006

“Quality” time

Most married folks working with me often use this phrase “Quality Time”. They are upset because they are not able to 'Spend' Quality Time for their spouse, children and more so for themselves.

More than often, we find marital relationships crumbling under the pressure of work, Children complaining about their busy schedule of their parents, friends losing track of each other when their presence is needed the most. None of us marry to upset our spouse, none of us have children to spoil their mindset and last but not the least none of work to let it play havoc over our personal peace and pleasure.

In spite of all this, why is it we still crib about work affecting life.
Is it wrong to have a family when you planner has entries for career calls!
But history speaks the other tongue. Great people have very much had families. Its somewhere in between we people are messing up between the so called “WORK PRESSURE “and “PERSONAL LIFE”.

Just as I write this I m reminded of a forwarded mail I once received, a fellow dude had very clearly mentioned the changes he found in work before and after his wedding.
One prominent thing was...

His Bachelor life gave him the liberty to stay overtime with his work. This meant more effort; result and credit against his name. He was a very dependable resource. Once after his wedding, he started to juggle between his work and family,and ended up burning both the ends.

Somewhere in this transition, people loose track of their rational sense to manage their priorities.

What do they really mean by “Quality” when they say they are not able to give “Quality Time”. My profession as a software engineer forces me to look out Customer Satisfaction Index to define ‘Quality’.

Customer can again be divided into direct customer and indirect Customers.
The Direct Customer would be “ME” or “ONESELF”; and
the Indirect customer would be those people who are associated with other words those who are bothered by the “Quality Time” I spent with them and those whose Disappointments ( in this aspect) bother me.

Which means the Quality Benchmark should vary in accordance with the person I am dealing with. A very simple example would be this; the Quality time I spend for my spouse should be different from what I spend for my child. I must not only look out to establish a chemistry between myself and the person I m trying spend “Quality Time” with; but also try to balance the equation.

It’s something like this:
I know the quality time and effort you are spending in reading this post.... (Chemical Equation Established)
I value your time... the post ends here… (Equation balanced!)

Friday, March 03, 2006

Mystic Melancholy

Caution : this post too has lots of typos and grammatical flaws!!

She had got all that she wanted. A happy family, a posh home, a trendy car, a husband she loved and still loves, a sweet child with the sweetest of smile, an excellent and happening career.
What more could one ask for?
But here we have her asking for more. Maybe even ready to give up some of the above for more of something else. Something which is still ‘Something’ to her.
Every time the sense of emptiness creeps in, she feels the mighty dragon of melancholy slash her soul, mind, smile, thoughts, words, deeds and of late even the people around her.
The thought that she has missed and is missing ‘Something’ never stops nagging her.

Her thoughts started becoming more paradoxical with every attempt to unravel the mystery. The infection of sadness spread across her otherwise active mind. She never again experienced the excitement in her child’s eye which would have otherwise brought glee to its mother nor did she enjoy those memorable moments with her family. Her life started losing its petty charm.
The feigning smile and the laurels of success that adorned her closet camouflaged the mystic melancholy within her.

Luckily the rational voice in her prompted a wise move! A move drastic enough to shake off the giant within her.
She decided to unravel the Myth of the Mystic Melancholy.

Now came the bigger ordeal!! To realize what became the question!

It seemed like the quest of a mortal to realize God...
He knows GOD is omnipresent...And its a matter of a realizing His Presence.!
But to realize what becomes a question again!! Omnipresence has its own problems!!

On one such onslaughts of the mighty wave of melancholy, she decided to give it a mighty blow—whatever it might be.
It was decision taken at that moment but nevertheless a wise decision.
She started drawing in the timeline graph of the “Mystic melancholy Syndrome”.

Blah… blah…Clge projects ..Saying yes to HIM…Tying the marital knot ….
The loan she got ….The crucial project she took over in office …The kid …blah..

She tried to figuring out the common or remotely common factor or factors that would possibly connect those listed.

This factor turned out to be very elusive.

Random thoughts reached nowhere ….
The aspect that linked college project and the kid??
The link between her saying YES to his proposal and the recent project she took over?? The factor common to the vow of marriage that she took up and the loan proposal she jus committed to.... [p]..

For a second she felt the brightness of knowledge dawn on her. The link! The first glimpse of the culprit who for long has held her soul captive!

"The vow of marriage and the loan proposals.....both are commitments she needs to live up to!
The crucial projects and kids, acceptance of his proposal...all spelt commitments, all spelt responsibly!! “

The fear of facing the mighty giant made her numb with all the courage she could summon she tried to strip the culprit and recover the sheen it had held captive so long.

After a long struggle with the details of the past... She framed a conclusion. The conclusion was bitter. Bitter than the bitterest of pills the doctor can prescribe for the simple fact that ‘truth can never always be the way you want it to be!’
And the truth said she lacked conviction... She lacked belief... She hated being held accountable for anyone or any anything....
On the whole ... far within the successful family/career woman lay a very undependable, fragile soul.
With more and more success coming her way, the weight of commitment and belief also rocketed. Now that it has reached its threshold, it has caught her panicky!

A sigh of relief was still far. A task has been found but still undone!
Will she kill the ghost that haunted her soul for long?
Will she really wipe out the myth and make it a thing of past!
Will her ever come out the melancholy?
All these questions have a single answer.
Conviction is the key…! Will she unleash it?? It’s up to her rather her conviction to get things straight and slay the giant of the Mystic Melancholy!