Friday, March 10, 2006

“Quality” time

Most married folks working with me often use this phrase “Quality Time”. They are upset because they are not able to 'Spend' Quality Time for their spouse, children and more so for themselves.

More than often, we find marital relationships crumbling under the pressure of work, Children complaining about their busy schedule of their parents, friends losing track of each other when their presence is needed the most. None of us marry to upset our spouse, none of us have children to spoil their mindset and last but not the least none of work to let it play havoc over our personal peace and pleasure.

In spite of all this, why is it we still crib about work affecting life.
Is it wrong to have a family when you planner has entries for career calls!
But history speaks the other tongue. Great people have very much had families. Its somewhere in between we people are messing up between the so called “WORK PRESSURE “and “PERSONAL LIFE”.

Just as I write this I m reminded of a forwarded mail I once received, a fellow dude had very clearly mentioned the changes he found in work before and after his wedding.
One prominent thing was...

His Bachelor life gave him the liberty to stay overtime with his work. This meant more effort; result and credit against his name. He was a very dependable resource. Once after his wedding, he started to juggle between his work and family,and ended up burning both the ends.

Somewhere in this transition, people loose track of their rational sense to manage their priorities.

What do they really mean by “Quality” when they say they are not able to give “Quality Time”. My profession as a software engineer forces me to look out Customer Satisfaction Index to define ‘Quality’.

Customer can again be divided into direct customer and indirect Customers.
The Direct Customer would be “ME” or “ONESELF”; and
the Indirect customer would be those people who are associated with other words those who are bothered by the “Quality Time” I spent with them and those whose Disappointments ( in this aspect) bother me.

Which means the Quality Benchmark should vary in accordance with the person I am dealing with. A very simple example would be this; the Quality time I spend for my spouse should be different from what I spend for my child. I must not only look out to establish a chemistry between myself and the person I m trying spend “Quality Time” with; but also try to balance the equation.

It’s something like this:
I know the quality time and effort you are spending in reading this post.... (Chemical Equation Established)
I value your time... the post ends here… (Equation balanced!)


prem said...

I cant make otu anything miss!
sorry! But I did understood what was there in the back of your mind when you decided to write it.

[i]Sometimes its difficult to explain your invention to others, than invention itself[/i] [:)]

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

prem.. no big invention yaar..
just we were told in office that we are gna have time management courses and stuff.. all this and a few more triggered this post.. no big invention behind!

Naren Balaji said...

'Quality time' with your spouse (or BF/GF as the case may be!) can be achived more by making the 'Customer' feel 'VALUED' in the amount of time you spend with them!

Arbit said...

what methodology are you thinking of using to optimise on the quality time of all the activities in daily life?
Just kidding! The problem features seem too complicated to be it's best left to do some subjective thinking akin to the one in the blog.

Anonymous said...

It all depends on how you handle and balance your professional and personal life. So far I haven't had any major problems regarding quality time. Even if weekdays are busy, weekends is there to compensate and I always make use of that.

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

true..karthik... u do make up for the "Quality time" in the weekends... simply becausae ur commitments rule over ur weekdays and over ur weekends..
but looking down the life ..say 7 years ahead.. i m sure will have lot more things that demand ur time 24*7..wat will u do then!

@ slice of life...
its not abt the spouse having a less demanding job or not.. it abt time they have to spend for/ with eachother and for themselves!

Anonymous said...

but looking down the life ..say 7 years ahead.. i m sure will have lot more things that demand ur time 24*7..wat will u do then

who has looked beyond for 7 years ahead, but i have always been there with my family (includes my siblings and co.) whenever reqd, even my wife tries to spend quality time inspite of her job. it all depends on how one manages things. right now instead of calling any ELDERLY person at home to take care of my daughter, its me and my wife who are coordinating well to take care of the kid during day/night..... it requires planning and proper executing..... good management skills are reqd, that its

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

hmm Karthik,
well that & year plan was writen with repect to other karthik ( who has also incidently commented for this post)..
anewzz.. things would be fine if all of knew the art of managing time and people!!