Friday, April 13, 2007

Thinking about thoughts!

The POST is abt now PARTICULAR Topic... its true blue arbit ramblings!!

Be it the mosquito Coil on face effect or Wordsworth'ish Daffodils effect ..Thinking abt past and abt things that are beyond repair has always been a habit with homosapiens -Phylum vertebrata.
Well.. its so happened that i belong to the same phylum and hence exhibit the traits of the same.... the post below Elucidates the same.!

Thoughts that Ate the Travel Time Today! ( Mosquito COIL Swirls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
How should one react when someone acts too smart and tries to hurt to you.
Though i belive its the other person's wish to try to be rude to one... to be hurt or not is entirely the individual's disposition. To Ignore, smile away rude comments always always don't help or do they?
Life is all about GETTING USED TO...! True....but can you get used to everything life offers you... Isnt life not about figuring out the options and chances oneself?
Relationships arise out of chemistry between the pairs but it changes the physics that they have with others. Have had lot of chances to observe the attitude of people before and after they commited into Relationship. Well... its understandable that the folks are in the hyper enthu phase to know each other well ,get the relationship going strong and hence land up showering all their attention and time on each other. A very collegish attitude of SHE IS MY GAL sets in!
Why even the seemingly mature ones showcase this. Well,,a small observation...Public display is perhaps also a mature manifestation of SHE IS MY GAL or HE IS MINE attitude!
Whatever it .. IT IS SICK!
Last but not the least of my pointless ponder...How do i wish the folks tomorrow..

TAMIZH Putaandu nal vazthukal
Happy TAMIZH New Year day
illa verum GUdmorningaa .. illa Summa irundaalae Vidunjudumaa?




RA said...

Ok ok , I bless your readers.

Alrite now, stop rolling your eyes. I must say though, that the typo will forever be your bane.

'Life is all about GETTING USED TO'. Well, all i will say is that that human psyche (any human) almost always succeeds in getting a person into his/her routine, whatever may happen.

I can understand you getting worked up over Displays of Affection, of the Only Focus and also of the Public Display variety. But, don't blame them. After all, they are only human. And humans tend to flaunt and also feel insecure at the same time. And while being at it, i might also suggest that you could do well to loosen up a bit. You are somewhat uptight about some things, eventhough it may not be a trait of yours that people wouldn't readily notice.

Oh well, managed to piss you off a little. What can i say ? All in a day's work.

yours truly,

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...


Naren said...

To Ignore rude comments ALWAYS helps!!

"..IT IS SICK.."
Is this out of frustration? :P

Anyway, Happy new year :)

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

Is this out of frustration? :P

Ada paavigala..
Abhi enna da na avan pathu ku irke panna try paneraan..
nee ipdi oru Excerpts from the blog pothu thaakaraa!
ennna nenachindu irukael rendu paerum!??


Suchi said...

mosquito coil sutharathu flashback illa??

About public displays of affection, or possesiveness or whatever, I have never noticed something like that...possibly it has never happened in my vicinity, or probably, I have never had the patience to notice something like that!

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

people watching is one all time pazhakam i have Suchi..!

CVR said...

Wish them as
"இந்த புதிய ஆண்டில் உங்களுக்கு எல்லா வளமும் எல்லா நலமும் சேரட்டும்!! வாழ்க வளமுடன்"

how abt that??

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

Remba kastham !

Dwaraka said...

Life is all about GETTING USED TO...! True....but can you get used to everything life offers you... Isnt life not about figuring out the options and chances oneself?

Life is all about accepting things and not expecting things

This is my plasofi of liphf

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

As long as one is able to differentiate btween exceptations and wants ... He is safe!