Thursday, April 19, 2007

Dare To Risk?

We would have never come out of caves had nt that Early Ancestor of ours not taken the risk of venturing out. how many of us are willing to take a risk?
Well ..welll ... welll...!forget hitting moon or living in Antartica... there are many incidents wherin we prefer to remain one amongst the crowd ...STAY SAFE attitude is in abundance.
The reasons we give range from "WORDS" like PRACTICALITY, FEASIBLITY, SUSTAINABILITY, ABILITY et al..
But do we understand that all these words ( including the remote kin and kith of these words that mite feature in the context) are all subjective to a SINGLE FACTOR and that is YOU.

PRACTICALITY is a very weird word... what might have been written off as not possible by a person could actually be possible with your attitude.. and to decide whether something is gona work out or not, one should actually take a chance ..DARE to RISK atleast DARE TO THINK rather than writing it off in the first instance.

Having taken the risk to read thru blog....i agree there people with true bold DHIL!

Risking Brickbats


Vijay said...

romba mukkiyamana matter - its fear. yenakum aasaiya irruku, to race like F1 racers, but orey payyana irrukaen veetukku..i also wanted to make some big code change but fear it may disturb the existing product and put me in trouble.lot many are left to dream/think than to act.. romba vettiya irruka pola?

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

project production ku poiduthu! so vettiness setting in!

Naren said...

Every time I express an opinion on an issue, you take a risk - risk of annoying/shocking others!

Now, for my opinion on your blog - take your time & come up with good posts like your earlier ones!

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

TIme will come when i get as VOcal as i used to be earlier!

Aravind Raghu said...

ur blog could have been a one line "take risk"

Unknown said...

I agree with Pushkala... She is a risk taker..she really is...she practices what she blogs..summa solradhu onnu seyyardhu onnu ellaam illa...