Friday, November 11, 2005

Thoughtless Words

often we are unmindful of the words we use.. and the person we use them to.
the pain it causes and the damage it does to the relationship can be collosal.
but y is this happening over and over ..even though we know the outcome those costly words!

may be we should get use not oly grey cells but also our heart when speaking to others!!



Naren Balaji said...

yes, words often hurt people more!

but, as in your previous post

"in the name of not affecting other’s sentiments, emotions are hidden"

anway, how does opening one's heart lead to better communication??

Sumana Sundaresan said...

I don't think 'using the heart' is a solution.It is after all 'heart' which seems to be the base problem. Explaining something to the last detail(from the heart) is not going to make the listener understand. The listner must be in the mind frame to 'accept', must be open enough to hear out. A misunderstanding(or rather hurt), is not necessary caused by one person but by both the speaker and the listener.

pushkalAn& pattabhiraman said...

naren ..........
i feel basically trying to express wat u feel using appropriate words at appropriate situation would solve most issues..
by using heart i m to take into regard the emotion of others too!
its important to empatise with wat the other person would feel

prosaicblabber said...

Hey Suha...

Try this... When you think you are going to utter something crazy!, just smile and walk to the nearest mirror and vent your whatever!

you'll see that silence to such things are more hurting than words... and you remain ever contended with your impeccable behavior....

The Ignoramus said...

many times, if someone gets hurt, it is his own problem/mistake. But then, they don't realise it. If someone is hurt because they do not understand what you say, then is it your mistake?

But then, before that, we need to be absolutely sure we didn't utter something outrageously bad or hurting.

radiantbear said...

yeah , oh we dont realize it until after we have said it ! At times Words are even harder to bear than actions.

//may be we should get use not oly grey cells but also our heart when speaking to others!!
--So ture!!

Naren Balaji said...


Sometimes the other side may misinterpret our words! By the time we realise that, the damage is already done. Like Ram said, it might be a communication problem!