Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Perception of Perceptions!!

Man is a rational animal, this rationality is condensed into a single word called perception. He Thinks and hence Perceives.

‘Perception’ itself can be perceived in many views. The whole world can perceive the same view or can differ thereby providing a spectrum of opinions.
The Universally Singular perception about day and night makes the world sleep while the stars are up and work while the sun is in his glory. The plurality of perceptions makes a life out of "livingdom".
Now how much of plurality in perceptions is digestible?
It all starts with swallowing the truth that CHANGE IS THE ONLY THING THAT NEVER CHANGES.

Perceptions exhibit the elementary characters of MATTER. PERCEPTIONS (Opinions), once created, Can change from one form to another but can never be destroyed.

The difference between Perception is just the difference between Knowledge and Ignorance. Once something is known or learnt or in otherwords something is PERCIEVED it cannot be unlearnt. The Perception on the topic/thing/person/emotion can change but the can not be destroyed or reverted back to the state called IGNORANCE. May be this is why Ignorance is called Bliss!

The change in perception can be as gradual as Evaporation-Condesation-Percipitation-Evaporation Cycle or as quick as a sublimation process or as gradual as the formation of Stalagmites , the end result is that, the change keeps happening either for the better of the PERCEPTION or for the betterment of the individual who perceives it.

Well, if the blog seems too be in nano-physicist or material scientist’ic terms to you ( I speak my heart out in my blogs!!) , here is a dash of Spirituality. The very own Sanatana Dharma, ‘Hinduism’ advocates the concept of MAYA. MAYA..a beautiful word that reminds the Mortals, Do perceive think but also be reminded that What you see is not what it is.

MAYA generates something for everyone and that something from nothing at all.

Finally, now I perceive, you have perceived enough of my fundae on perception!
So Let the MaYa of your Perception of my Perception of Perception Prevail....!!



Karthik Narayan said...

maya maya maya ellam maya.. chaya chaya chaya.. ellam chaya... good one :) keep blogging..

Anonymous said...

:( Please get back to your favorite topic and expertise - Relationships...Idhu yamadhu siriya korikkai...

Pushkala said...

Fav topicnu soniyae adu ok!! Adu enna Expertise...The expert is just teaching me thngs ...Mr.NAno!!
your siriya korikkais will be majorly granted!

CVR said...

Perceptions change
change itself is a perception.

what a paradox!! or is it just the perception??

ramgun said...

two comments:
1. you have the knack of building up to a climax; and then ending the article in a real hurry as if mom called :P

2. i disagree with the assertion that perception cannot revert to ignorance. i have, for instance, experienced a. a great feeling of devotion in some temples like tirupati b. near death experiences a couple of times

in each case, the perception or experience dies out due to passage of time. hence, i see the need to keep refreshing the perception through repeated visits to the temple for example. some perceptions, like the second, are best left alone :D

Pushkala said...

1. you have the knack of building up to a climax; and then ending the article in a real hurry as if mom called :P

Believe me... mom did call me when i was posting this blog!! :(

Anonymous said...
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