Friday, March 30, 2007

Chemistry of relationships!!

Statuatory Warning: Here comes another post on relationships….!

Few fall in love in the FIRST SIGHT ( phew.. a biological Reaction(#1) fastened by CATALYST called LOOKS/APPEARANCE)
Few fall in love gradually ( A reaction (#2) that happens at OPTIMUM CONDITIONS)
Few start of as FRIENDSHIP and turn it to a RELATIONSHIP( A reaction (# 3) that got misled!!)
Or an arranged agreement to fall I love (a planned reaction (#4) with tons of catalysts, with proper conditions set!!)

Well, I don’t have a big opinion on the chemical Reaction #1.
Relationships be it friendship or marital ones has to be borne over a period of time. Faith and trust cannot be built over night is what I strongly believe.
Reaction #2, is relatively better. But there is one thing that might upset the reaction. Courtship is a tricky period wherein it’s the GOODNESS that comes out in full form.
The element of vice be it as trivial as quick temper or social drinking is subconsciously either not revealed by the person or subconsciously not registered by the other person.
Courtship again has to mature over sometime.. But unfortunately the trend is that people either get bored of each other soon or they PERSON of INTEREST changes with the clock ticks!
Reaction #3, Mixing Friendship and relationship….this is one tricky subject to analyze. Given the fact the FRIENDS would know each other inside out …I have somehow not patronized the idea of mixing relationships.
Every relationship should be clearly demarcated.
Friendship across sexes means the physical attraction factor has been nullified. This is presume is the reason why FRIENDSHIP is given special status.
Now, turning such a pure sentiment into a RELATIONSHIP means contaminating it with the CARNAL Factor.

The worst part of the this reaction is that… even if there is just friendship and clean friendship, people around tend to hallucinate a lot and hence conjure a reaction when there is actually nothing brewing.
It takes in lot of maturity to handle a crisis like this, wherein FRIENDSHIP is at stake for the people around!

More so, One who has a picture perfect vision on the kind of person he or she wants could be pretty sure hit in REACTION #3. But unfortunately most of us do not strike with a consistent opinion. As the rule says, Change is the only thing that never changes.

That leaves you with Reaction #4, you really need not have a “MY IDEAL PICTURE” vision. Rather a vague , gazy , CIRCA 1700 picture would serve the purpose !
The whole beauty of arranged marriage lies in the fact that you start with the belief that its going to work out. And this belief metamorphosis into TRUST and faith..

Been a long post….

I believe.. I m gona come back soon with another post…on relationships obviously!!!!


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Prior 2 Priorities

Be it matrimony, be it just shopping, be it starting early from work, there is one word that drives world.. a simple ten lettered word " Priorities".
I wonder what amount of thinking goes behind defining the Priorities.
Defining priorities by itself is a priority.
Now, wat makes me talk abt priorities....Its just this, a friend happened compose a 60 questions sheet which he feels covers all the topics which are important to him., lest he misses something while conversing with a potential suitor.
I was thoroughly amused and angry when i saw that questionnaire.
It makes no sense in making a person sit through with a paper and fill in the details as if its just another exam.
Having said this, not all ppl are vocal and confidant enough to voice their thoughts, so this questionnaire might just be an ice breaker.
One thing of all impressed me mightly, the person who composed this has pumped in ample energy, good will, intention and time to understand his priorities and order them.

Though, i dont approve of the Questionnaire exchange method, I am happy ppl have started understanding their WANTS. For matrimony is one topic wherein you must be clear about the difference between your expectations and wants!

Now if you had expected a neat decent post... i m sorry... and yeah! if you want to comment-- I would just luv to know your view...



Friday, March 02, 2007

Of Life, deadlines and “dead” ”lions??”

Got thinking when I read a post by a fellow blogger on the suicide of a small gal. What is life after all, if its gonna be so easy to give up!!

When even habits rather Obsessions which we pick up after a good 10years after the first wink are hard to give up, I wonder how people easily give up their right to exist.!

Who on earth does not have disappointments with life!

Some have it small, Some have it big…

But things called Deadlines and money drive the life!

Be it the tenure in mom’s womb or the warmth of parents’ lap… everything comes with a deadline. By the age of 3 years, the warmth of the lap has to be forsaken to the comfort of bed, then comes the ever imposing educational deadlines..!!!

When every thing in life is so damn time defined…. I wonder if I should call the ppl who commit suicide dead chickens or dead lions who bravely evaded the DEADLINES!!

Confused huh! That’s what I m now!! Thanks to the FEVER!
