Gone are the days when songs, storyline of a movie made headlines. These days its their
Double meaning, triple meaning dialogues that capture the Fame spot. Well, the fame spot doesn’t always spell success; more than often the movie gets badly hit due to the same ‘Fame’ Factor.
These days, almost every other movie that gets released has acquired this Fame. I thoroughly accept the fact that most of these movies contain explicit contents but there a quiet a few movies that abstain from presenting such candid exhibition of “Censorable Contents”. Here comes the credibility of Human mind! The X Ray’ish tendency of human mind easily understands the “explicit contents” but also goes out of way to skin the gibberish to ravel rather discover or at times invent “Contents worth Censorable”.
Moving away from movies, even the real life scenario throws many occasions wherein we end up deciphering meanings (intentions) from an otherwise simple unintentional statement. The outcome of this art of decryption of intention brings in trouble and tension.
Why is this evolution of pervert thought process happening?
Why is it we always tend to look in for “that Inner Meaning” however simple the explicit meaning might be?
If your answer delves around “gauging the other person diplomatically”; then why is it we are not diplomatic enough to streamline our thoughts. Diplomacy begins with oneself. One should try being honest to ones thoughts rather than letting it get conceived through misconceptions. Miscarriages in pregnancy and Misconceptions in Thoughts both are painful because both last in us for a long time before we realize it’s gone! We could at least try not to be pervert in thinking which would go long way in building and helping relationships last longer.
Wonder, what you people expected the blog to contain when you read the title “PERVERT THOUGHTS!”?? Some cranky, dappled, shady, mottled, piebald stuff?? OMG... I M BEING A PERVERT!!!!