He has always topped the Medical tests, the surgical procedures were 80% sure shot success, but this was proving to be tough! He was trying hard to stop the bleeding but alas nothing could be done. He finally gave up… only one though raced up his thoughts….”Why did they bring him late! “
She was waiting outside the operation theatre. This has turned out to be the reality that has outplayed her harshest of nightmares. With teary eyes, she waited.. a wait that seem to be dragging. Only one thought was going on in her mind….. Why on earth did he drive so hastily?
She was playfully eyeing the new water bottle the churby guy sitting next her had brought. She wanted a similar turtle shaped water bottle which also doubles up as a snack box. She made a mental note of the box. After all, she has to remind her mom to get her a similar one for the next term. The teacher cleared her voiced and asked the students to submit their Homework notebooks. She was dumb struck. She hadn’t completed the Homework! Only one thought raced her thoughts,
‘Why did I not complete the work?
He was looking at the monitor. His eyes had not blinked once in the past three minutes. They were dry…so was his face. He is trying hard to eat from a CODE plate of his colleague. His colleague hasn’t turned up and now he doesn’t have a option but to try to understand the Code in bits and pieces. After all, their project is all set for a mighty client run …when this unprecedented bug announced this bug..
Only one thing was hitting him hard….
“Why is it all bad things happen together..? what will I say to big heads waiting to prowl…heading a contingency team is tuff ask… what will I tell them?!”
Well, the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of the replies of all the characters mentioned above is “Time”.
Be it the doctor who frowns upon the lost life just because of the “time” delay in getting the patient to the medical procedure, or the wife who is now wondering at the hasty driving of her husband who was apparently running short of “Time” , or the bubbly kid who couldn’t do her homework just because she did not have “time” or the Busy professional who is all tied up with work forgetting even to blink just because he hardly has “time” to Blink.
How what is time?
A bit of googling takes me to lot of stuff Einstein and
Time is nothing but meager system of relations. Now if you ask me relation of what? All I can say is a system of intentions and convictions rather than absurd words like animate and inanimate entities.
It’s all a matter of intention, but yeah … its not just your intention (good) that would get the right thing happen in the right “time” but rather it’s the product of the right intention of all the people directly or indirectly or even remotely associated with you.
Am I killing your time… sorry let me get my intentions right… here ends the post!