I m not writing about the human cycle but about another factor that has its hold on each of us—Relationship!
Most of us treat relationships, professional, personal or even acquaintances as plug play components to life. The irony is none of the relationships come so easily. For a healthy baby, even a mother has to develop a bond with the baby in her womb. When such is a scenario how can one expect to have a very smooth start off for relationships that involve two different personalities?
So what of all is this “Relationship”? Is it an emotion? Nay! Love is an emotion and to e in love with one another constitutes a relationship.
I believe, Relationship is like the birth of a Child. Just like every child is the outcome of the darkest secret of Nature, every relationship is the child of emotions. These emotions could either be from both the people involved in the relationship (a relationship mutually nurtured) spring from a single heart towards the other.
The child is grown with lots of love and affection. Care is taken to ensure nothing affects the child. The occasional fever the child gets is comparable to the occasional skirmishes any relationship faces. The fever indicates that the anti bodies are at action. This indication can either be supplemented by external antibodies so as to enable the system to spring to normal soon or could be left uncared and hence would prove fatal.
So, how do I justify the relationships that got badly hit by the strongest of skirmishes??
Simple, every relationship is born with the hope that it would be alive for a long time (its just like a mother who wants all her children to have a healthy, long life).
But it takes a beating when a feverish system either rejects all external medicine that’s provided or the medicine provided itself is wrong.
So how effectively should I sustain a relationship? Well, the only answer I can think of is a periodic introspection into the needs of the relationship. We get so engrossed in the ‘n’ number of relationships that our attention is bifurcated amongst them.
Every now and then we should try to look at the places were things could be patched up and reworked so as to avoid a pitfall there.
I find a relationship developing here... That of a blogger and her blog reader. And the immediate introspection tells me that I should stop this post here... Lest you find it a cut throat!